Sunday 7 August 2011

The Mining Problem

So it has been 1 month since my last update. The weather has been so good that every spare second has been spent getting the property ready for summer - summer is all about beer and fishing! Everything grows so quickly in Summer that you might as well just let it run wild - in winter everything stops growing and you can make some real progress.

The Driveway
The driveway has been completely overgrown for years. The bank on one side has been slowly eroding pushing trees onto the driveway. Myles and I have always had plans to clean it up but have always been weary because of the chance of snakes and the fact that it is just plan hard work. So 3 weeks ago we just decided to go for it and trim everything back - the snakes are still sleeping but for how long? Together we cleared a quarter of the driveway. I then enlisted some help and cleared up to the 3/4 mark the next day. Already the Jacaranda Trees and Hibiscus have started re-sprouting meaning wonderful colour during the summer months.

Mining Time
The Dams were used to hold water to clean the gold
We have been informed the area is being surveyed and could be mined in the next few month. Originally this area was a small gold mine with some features still evident with the layout. I guess with the price of gold going up areas that were not financially viable are now profitable. We find out whether the mining company is going to start buying land in the area and I guess things could change around here.

There is so much to catchup up on so will try to update everyday.

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