Tuesday 9 August 2011

Frosty Boy

Those who are, or were, living in New Zealand will remember the ice-cream truck traveling down those suburban streets to the tune of Greensleeves while children ran for miles around with a 50cents to buy a cone, or if they were lucky to get one with a Flake chocolate bar stabbed into the delicious soft ice cream - mmmmm. That is not what I am talking about today - but I am reminded of the mental torment I was put though with those so called protectors of my youth, my parents :)

No it's no a youth on the streets of London
The truck could be heard traveling down the street and my siblings and I would beg our parents for an ice cream. Usually, my Dad would say "Ask and you don't get" so we would remain quiet the next time the truck came around - still we didn't get an ice cream and when we said something my Father would look all innocent and say "You didn't ask, so you didn't get". We questioned his logic but at our tender age we didn't realise that he was just playing with our minds and there was no way of getting an ice cream. And that is why today I am often seen running behind the back of a truck that has loud classical music blaring from the stereo - not very often there is even ice-cream in that truck.

But onto today - I got up very early and put the fire on. It was pretty chilly and the dogs didn't even stir. The fire warmed the house up beautifully and I had breakfast - homemade bread with homemade marmalade. Myles and I then set off on our walk down to the fire station, and back. As the door opened a cold blast of air hit as fair square in the face. Fritz had long decided that mornings were too cold and he refused to get out of bed and Bella is just plan crazy and will walk anytime. Myles dragged Fritz outside and we started our walk commenting that it might have been a good idea to bring gloves. We just walked faster to keep warm. At the bottom of the hill we noticed the neighbours property had a bit of frost - it was not crunchie like in New Zealand but still impressive. At the end of the walk Fritz and Bella got to play in a field not even noticing they were rolling in ice - it's nice to be an insane dog!

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