Monday 18 April 2011

Visitors Coming - Quick Look Busy!

Because I am constantly on the property it is hard to tell if there have been any improvements since moving here. Over the next 4 weeks I will have returning visitors so I need to make sure there the property is looking better than before. The wet season has pretty much ended which means the growth of the plants has slowed down - thank goodness! It also means the temperature and rainfall has been dropping and therefore I can be in the garden longer. Over the last week I have been trimming and weeding in two key areas. Where-as Myles has been using his new chainsaw to cut up firewood for the winter season.

This is the side passage to the rear paddock. Originally it was completely overgrown and basically a goat track. Now I can drive the ute up it and deliver firewood directly to the wood shed - saving so much time. I'm a little bit of a show-off and took the neighbour down to see the area. I was then informed that all the trees in the area are fruit trees. Mulberries, Avocado, Lilypilys (you can eat the fruit), Loquat, Fejoia, and Guava trees have all been discovered and I am sure more will be identified. I just need to trim up more trees to let in the light.

My favourite tree

I had a little help with the ornamental gardens near the house. Originally the whole area was overrun and quite a few snakes discovered. Now they are looking pretty darn special! Hopefully the guests will see the improvement and know I haven't just been baking and getting fatter!

1 comment:

  1. Heather O'Connor22 April 2011 at 23:09

    As a Returning Visitor, I thought it good etiquette to post a response. It has been 3 months since my first foray into Maston Villa Resort and was stunned, nay amazed, no .... it was more than that; I was "Impressed" at just how much work, clearing and tidying had been done. First up was a walk around the newly cleared area where Steve proudly showed off his new found fruit trees. MMmmmmmm - looking forward to the baked produce come spring and summer. I don't know about anyone else - but who would have thought Steve would be such a pro in the kitchen? - especially baking!!!
    I made a fleeting comment on the likelihood of leeches - to which Myles bent down and flicked one off his ankle. I then noticed Myles' choice of footwear - thongs!!!!! Hardly anti-leech. So in a matter of minutes, Myles discovered another leech, followed by Steve, followed by Myles - or was it Steve - (who knew at that stage as there was tooooooo many leeches for my liking}- on me!! Sorry, about that. So back to the warmth and safety of their home before we headed out for dinner. Before leaving, Steve decided to check that all was in order at the Guests Quarters (Mystavilla). Myles suggested to Steve that he take a broad walk away form the bins on returning to the car. The torchlight clearly revealed a 6ft Diamond Python - outside Mystavilla's bedroom. So, just a warning to returning guests and those yet to visit - Gumboots!!!!!
    What an enjoyable evening and morning. I had a wonderful time and look forward to sharing lots of fun experiences with Steve and Myles as they grow with the seasons of this wonderful home that they are building, reshaping, landscaping and baking.
    love ya both, Heather xxxx
