Saturday 16 April 2011

Duck Fat, Southern Style, Biscuits

A few years ago Myles and I made a trip to Dallas Texas. Myles went for work and I followed using frequent flier points. We had one week in Dallas and then 8 days in New York. Who would have thought that Dallas was the highlight of the trip!

Myles would go into work each day leaving me with a car and credit-card. I did a little bit of shopping  but nothing major. However when it came to food Dallas really has the calories, and yum yums. A friend of ours in Australia asked us to take over some gifts for Marie, a family member, who was now living in Dallas. Upon hearing from us Marie invited us over for a BBQ. I normally feel funny about visiting people I don't know but Marie and her husband Robert made us feel very welcome. Aussies think BBQing is all theirs but really it is a Southern American thing. In America they use loads of sugar in their sauces though - so you know it is going to taste great! Marie told us she was going to make biscuits - not to be confused with the English variety. I was keen to see her in action and was gobsmacked when Marie grabbed a can and can opener. How could you bake from a can? I kept an eye on the process and was amazed when pre-made biscuits were produced from the can and simply put on a tray and baked. They tasted lovely but then again anything with fat, sugar and salt would. It wasn't the only time I was shocked with the way you produce food in America. We also managed to see a Opossum in her backyard - possibly one of the ugliest animals in the world!

Later in the week we ordered KFC for two people and walked out with three bags - we couldn't fit everything in - chicken, biscuits, pasta, corn bread, chips etc etc. Myles and I were then invited out with some work colleagues who took us to a Tex Mex restaurant where I discovered my favourite drink - the swirl - basically frozen margarita and frozen sangria swirled together and served from a slushy machine. Oh memories!

When in New York we travelled to Coney Island and ate at 'Nathans' - apparently the birthplace of the hot dog. The cheese on the hot dog was poured from a beer tap? Unfortunately that is not a rare occurrence in the U.S! The meat also came from the magic tap - it didn't taste so good.

Anyway today I thought I would make some Southern Style Biscuits but with duck fat. For those who don' know, Southern biscuits are like scones but made with fat instead of butter. You smear them with butter when they are hot - yummo!

Steve's Duck Fat Biscuits
3 Tbspn of Duck Fat
1/2 cup of plain yogurt
1 pinch of Salt
1/4 cup of sugar
2tspns of Paprika
and about 2 cups of self raising flour - enough to

mix everything together in a bowl. Then tip out on a bench and knead slightly. Work the mixture to deside if it needs more flour. Add more if the mixture is sticky and continue to knead until the mixture is smooth to look at and soft and googy without being sticky.

Roll out and cut into shapes. Place on baking paper and then on a baking tray. Bake at 200 degrees celsius for about 20 minutes or until brown on top. You will find the biscuit is flakeyisk <that's a new word>

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