Wednesday 6 April 2011

Dinner for 4 with Some Uninvited Visitors

Moving to the country has meant take-away and dinners in restaurants are hardly practical. It is a 20 minute drive into town and more often than not the food is average - so why travel to have average food when I can cook at home!

My brother visited for a couple of months ago last year. We had worked hard in the garden and decided that cooking dinner was too hard. I researched who would deliver pizza to our area and was pleasantly surprised to see Eagle Boys did. Once I had chosen the pizzas I looked at the final cost - there was a $25 delivery fee! We were hungry so I ordered the pizzas. 5 minutes later I got a call from Eagle Boys informing me that they would only deliver to the General Store- 3kms away!!! We were still hungry so I agreed and drive to the meeting spot. Crazy and never to be repeated!

So now Myles and I often visit the neighbour for a couple of beers - which usual ends with us eating dinner at their place. To, naturally, repay the favour we invite J and S to our place and cook dinner for them. My dinners usually have hours of planning but I wish I could throw good food together like they do. Last night I decided to make Asian Tapas; Vietnamese Spring Rolls, Indian style chicken with homemade yogurt dipping sauce, dumplings, asian greens, and poached daikon - with coconut risotto for desert. No photos unfortunately but it all tasted YUM!

After dinner we were have a chat and let the dogs in the house to socialise. Lily was cuddling up to Myles when we discovered she was bleeding from her lip due to a leech bite. Myles' pants were covered in blood and the leech was working its way across room leaving a trail of blood across the designer porcelain titles! We cleaned the mess up and Myles changed his pants. Then I scratch my neck to discover a leech was attached to me and my shirt was covered in blood. The leech must have come off Fritz when I cuddled him. So everyone in the house had a meal who says we are not great hosts!

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