Finally Myles had a weekend at home - over the last few weeks he has either been away for work or visiting his family. While I often like to be alone the work was mounting up and I was a little over cooking, cleaning, and farming at the same time. On Friday Myles got himself ready for a weekend of woodcutting and wood stacking - in time for winter. He went down to the shops and bought a brand new chainsaw that was smaller than our regular one - so he could work longer. I had also asked him to cook dinner because I was shattered after clearing the side passage so that the ute could easily drive up it. I snoozed for a couple of hours and woke when Myles started cooking some sort of pasta dish. I'm leaving it at that incase he reads this and thinks I'm ungrateful. Dinner was finished and I went back to bed for a restless sleep - not sure why.
We woke to hear the rain teaming down. Not appropriate weather to be working outside so we went shopping - after he made me perfect poached eggs on toast! We had invited our neighbours over for a movie and dinner so needed some groceries and we thought we would have a look at some baskets to hold firewood. After being out for 3 hours we returned with a basket and assorted items to fill the house, plus food!
Tonight Myles, yes Myles, will be roasting chicken on our rotisserie. He is this blogs guest chef - frankly speaking roasting is all he ever does! But he is darn good at it.
Paprika Chicken
The Chook is stuffed and stabbed! |
Clean the chicken and stuff it with breadcrumbs, pasty, salt, pepper, and wine.
Ensure the chicken is dry - use paper towel.
Mix paprika, salt, pepper, honey, garlic, and lemon juice together and then smear all over the chicken.
Then stick the rotisserie rod up the chooks bum and out the front. Cook for about 1 1/2 hours.
I thought we had better snack on something - so tonight I will be making homemade crunchy bite.
Steve's Homemade Crunchy Bite
Before it is broken up and dipped in chocolate |
Mix 100g of sugar and 4 tbspns of golden syrup in a pot. Let the mixture boil over a medium heat until it changes to a darker colour. You can also test it by putting a drop of the mixture in cold water. It should be solid, or tough chewy. Then put half a tspn of vinegar in and mix gently.
Finally add 1 1/2 tspn of bicarb soda and mix it quickly - it should froth up at this point. Ensure you have a tray lined with baking paper ready and pour the mixture in. Then wait for it to set - about 20mins.
Finished |
Finally melt down some chocolate over a double boiler. Break up the crunchy into bite size pieces and coat in the chocolate - ensure the plate you use is cold so that the chocolate sets.
The meal was yummo! Good work Milo.