Tuesday 22 February 2011

Tuesday Was Not a Good Day

Turkey Drumstick with Preserved Lemon
Well last night's dinner was only a partial success - it would have been way better with chicken and couscous. The real success was the preserved lemons that I had bottled 6 weeks ago - very tasty, and so easy to do. The bottle of red wine was a little overkill though - at least that is what my head is saying.

It rained most of today with some extreme wind - all weather orientated!

Before lunch my partner and I visited the goats to check on Vinda (goat) who had been looking a little weak. We found her lying on her side and not looking at all well. Goats and sheep can not lie on their side apparently - they can not burp and will die of gas. With some prompting she managed to get up and eat some hay. I pumped some glucose into her, and in my mind gave her until the afternoon to get better - she has been sick since Saturday. To our delight Vinda walked around a little during the day.

But by 3pm I noticed Vinda was standing in the same spot and not doing anything. I spoke with my partner and said we have to do something because it was unfair to leave her in this situation. No-one wanted to say it - but we both knew what needed to happen. I went to the kitchen and sharpened the knife. I know Myles is a little softy, and I couldn't allow him the emotional pain of 'helping' the goat to die - especially after seeing his reaction when a sheep died. He kept popping downstairs to see how I was going and convinced me to check Vinda before doing anything. He also suggested that we call a neighbour who had a gun. I was going to check out our properly anyway and decided against calling the neighbour - she was our responsibility.

Vinda was not aware of her surroundings - only after I push her a little did she even move. Although she could stand I noticed the she was very thin - way to thin - past the point of no return. She had continuous diarrhoea and it was confirmed in my mind that it was unfair to keep her going.

Upon returning the house I grabbed the sharpest knife we had and mentally detached myself from what I was about to do - power-walking, knife in hand, thinking this was nothing - other people do it! Vinda was in the shed and fell on her side as I walked in. I dragged her out of the shed to ensure the deed was not performed where the goats ate and slept. I saw Myles looking down from the balcony - I needed him not to be watching. I blocked him out of my vision and performed an act so foreign to me and something I had only seen done once and person, but many times on TV.

Vinda's the one on the right
I think she knew what was going to happen - but that didn't make it any easier - I had to walk away. I went back after 10 seconds to ensure she had died. To my relief I saw Myles walking down the pasture with a spade and he offered to bury her. He dug the hole and I dragged her down to the burial spot. I covered her and walked away.

"I'm going up to the neighbours for a drink, if that's alright?" was all I could muster and Myles just nodded.

After many drinks and cigarettes I came home and found that Fritz (daschund) had injured himself trying to escape - he is still on his bed now. If anything happens to him he will be getting a visit to the vet.


  1. A tough call. But I think you did the right thing in not letting Vinda suffer!

  2. Wow, Steve. You're amazing. I couldn't have done that. You sure are turning into a farmer proper. Good on you. I take my hat off to you.
