Sunday 27 February 2011

My Neighbours and Other Animals

Well we are just back from a quick break in Melbourne. The purpose of which was to do nothing, but have a look at civilisation. We ate at restaurants and didn't clean up, or kill any animals. It was great! - but I also missed making my own food etc.

We are blessed to have some neighbours who looked after the property while we were away and who also  came across a few new 'friends' on the farm. XXXX called us on day one of the break to inform us that he had mowed the lawn and watered the plants. We of course commented that we should go away more often so more work would be completed! We were also told that a large green tree snake is living near the front door - freak out! Lily has chased it away a couple of times but it seems to have made a home. Now a Green Tree Snake is not a bad snake to have around the house - they kill mice and rats - BUT IT IS STILL A SNAKE! I think the snake has made a home between the tin roof and ceiling near the garage - the hole will be filled very soon. I've course Vera (just named her) the snake isn't the only animal around the house, so I thought I would introduce to you some of them.

Fritz is one of those dogs that comes around once in your lifetime - well for me as he is my first dog. Not only is he handsome but he also has tons of character, and seems to have several lives. In the middle of last year Fritz hurt his back while staying with friends. We were told it was going to cost thousands of dollars to save him and - against logic - we paid that money. He was one of the main reasons for moving away from the city and really a family member.

After a bumpy start to life up here Fritz manages to keep up with our other dog, and is almost back to normal. He confidence is not always the best thing for him though, as the many scratches and bumps prove. After 1 month living on the farm he got attacked by ticks and was again paralysed. It was his own fault for going bush and chasing Kangaroos - another nice vet bill saved him. Last week he tried to escape and twist his little front leg so much that he was bedridden for 3 days and suffered the indignity of these humans taking him to the toilet. And I guess that is why he is sometimes called Super Fritz - he keeps coming back for more punishment.

                                         LILY - named after Lily Allen
We love Lily Allen - so it was only natural when we got a girl dog to call her Lily. And boy does this dog fit her namesake! Rushing in with not thought in her head.  Fritz is the brain and she is the brawn - she is beautiful, but dumb - blindly following Fritz into danger. We rescued Lily from the RSPCA after a ad hoc shopping trip. Lily loves to be around people, and be loved, but she is a huge puppy that thinks she is a small dog. Glasses are smashed and tables dragged away by her huge tail and body. She is part Mastiff and part Staffy. While most people would be scared of her little do they realise that she was scared of people due to her mistreatment at the hands of the last owner. She has the scars to prove it and is still a little wary of spades and bricks. A real sweetie with big teeth!

 The Kookies
We have two clans on the property that fight each other for the women - much like the men at the Ivy Hotel minus the date rape drugs. We were feeding them at one time but have stopped as they should be killing snakes etc.
Haven't given this fella a name. But he pops around every so often spying on the dogs. The dogs, thankfully, haven't see him yet.
Our front dam is teaming with water animals but these are the only one's we can take photos of. Apparently turtles can walk 2kms between water holes. So take that those people who complain about walking long distances! Actually the neigbour found one of our turtles 300 metres away - it had trekked through some of our forest.
 Leaf Tailed Gecko 
He lives in the garage and gave me quite a scare. Brilliant at eating all the insects and cute in a way...
 The Goats
Natures lawnmower - they are not low maintenance people! In this photo is Rogan, Josh, the late Vinda, and Loo.
The Sheep
Or as we called them - future dinner!
We have got Dorper Sheep because the wool falls out and we were told they are low maintenance - FAIL! In this photo is Chop, Leg, Cutlet, and Chop.

1 comment:

  1. Love all the antics you get up to and your freedom out of the city. Good on you for trying a new adventure. I'm writing as anonymous because I don't know what profile I need to use. Keep up the great news letters. I love reading them and I'll try some of your recipes soon.
