Sunday 19 June 2011

The Catch-Up

I know it has been sometime since my last post. I seem to have lost enthusiasm since I hurt my back which also means not a lot has been happening around the property.

Myles is Sick
Myles still has time to wave hello from hospital 
Last week I had a meltdown and told Myles I was pretty bored - mainly because all I was doing was sitting in a chair watching TV due to the back-pain. Myles told me he would book me into a Physiotherapist the next day to sort the problem out... Yes I know I could have done it myself but sometimes I need a push. At 1am the next morning I was woken by Myles getting up to put on his dressing gown and getting back into bed. I asked him why he was wearing the dressing gown to bed and he commented he was so cold. I took his temperature which was slightly raised but nothing to worry about. I feel back asleep and was again woken at 2am with Myles sweating profusely, shivering and claiming he was freezing. I took his temperature again and he had hit 38.4 degrees. OK know I knew there was a problem.

At 7am Myles' temperature had hit 38.8 degrees - I booked him into a Doctor's Surgery as an emergency patient. The Doctor referred him to hospital because of his symptoms. We saw a ED Doctor almost straight away - a young Doctor who hadn't had much experience. Blood was taken from Myles and he was put on a saline drip. While he was lying there I commented that today was meant to be about my back and he was just stealing the limelight - that produced a giggle. The blood test showed he had an infection but not what was wrong - so the Doctor decided to administer a lumber punch. Everyone was concerned that he had Meningitis and a spinal tap is the only way to find out.

The Junior Doctor tried 3 times getting the needle into Myles' spine and finally had to call a more senior Doctor to complete it. I couldn't watch! The outcome was that they didn't know what was wrong and that he would have to ride it out with painkillers. So we got home and I made a huge batch of Chicken Soup.

Myles is getting better but not normal yet.

My Back
The Before Bedroom Shot
I went to my first appointment with the Physiotherapist on the Friday and discovered that my bottom 3 discs are not moving as they should be. I am not allowed to sit down for more than 15minutes and have some back stretching exercises to complete. Next appointment today so hopefully I will feel better soon.

A Room Finished
When we moved into this house the interior design was not to our liking. It may have taken sometime but we finally finished one room - the Spare Bedroom. I will probably finish the Office in the next day or two - which I must say is looking pretty darn good.

    After - using a bad camera

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