Tuesday 17 May 2011

A fork in the foot is worth a band-aid in the bath

I'm looking after my parents home contents for a few years as they are moving overseas. Even though most of the furniture is being stored I have been given a few things that may not be needed in the future, or that I could use on the property. My Father gave me his gardening tools, apparently some of those tools are older than me, but in good condition - at least I thought.

I've injured my back somehow and so are restricted to light duties. Cleaning up the garage was high on my list along with washing Myles Jag. I drove the oil dripping Jag out to the spare water tank and washed it with my Father's help. I mentioned that I would clean the garage out and again my Father offered to help. In my hast  I didn't change my thongs(flip flops) to normal shoes and started pulling all the tools out of the garage to sort it out. My Father offered to hang many of the tools on the walls to free up floor space and to keep it tidy in the long term. We attached a plank on the wall and hung the gardening tools that were given to me. Dad was knocking in a nail when the handle of a garden fork detached from the metal head. Naturally my uncovered foot was directly underneath the garden fork. A few very bad words were yelled by me - something about a mother? I hopped into the house to put a band-aid on it and noticed a large amount of blood was streaming from the wound. I called out to my Father stating that a band-aid might not be sufficient. Dad helped me inside and put my foot in the bath and poured water over the cut - that mother word was used again by me. Once the cut stopped bleeding a band-aid was applied and I put a proper pair of shoes on and continued working.

My Mother missed the commotion and entered the garage a few minutes later.
"Careful with the garden fork" she commented when seeing what we were doing "my brother put a garden fork through my foot and you wouldn't want that pain."

My Father and I just smirked at each other.

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