Monday 5 September 2011

The Harvest of Myles

The last couple of days have been very productive. I think a long weekend in Brisbane gave me a new lease of life (more on Brisbane later)

The pen is so you can see the size
As I have this new lease on life I have been turning over garden beds, fertilising, weeding, trimming, and planting the summer crops. I learnt a lot last year and am now using those learnings to perhaps have some descent vegetables and some actual fruit! My herb garden has now been moved to a shady spot, and I have quite a few lettuces, spring onions, parsnips, Daikon and Pak Choy ready to go. We also have strawberries this year! My Rhubarb has been looking  little sorry for itself, and hadn't yielded a lot of fruit - but I wacked on some fertiliser and it is going berserk!

It is almost time to plant the tomatoes and basil. I'm not a lover of tomato but it is good to cook with and I still have basil and pesto leftover from last year so we had been get eat before the next lot comes in. So I am clearing the garden beds ready for the tomatoes which means removing the winter crops. Myles hasn't had a lot of time to garden but one weekend he planted some carrots. He didn't do anything with them afterwards and I refused to look after his crop. So today I pulled the carrots out. Ah! not much of a meal there but I will still cook with them tonight so he feels special!


Not sure what sort of pose this is?
We drove up to Brisbane for a long weekend. Myles was going for work so I thought I would tag along seeing the accommodation was paid for. We went to a REAL Picture Theatre, ate at a fancy restaurant, E'cco, had Yum Cha, saw the Surrealist exhibition and did a bit of shopping. We also got our hair cut - which was long overdue! We were lucky to also be in Brisbane for their annual festival.

So in summary of our trip, the movie was terrible, the restaurant was a little average and the people sitting next to us annoying, loved the Yum Cha and Chinatown experience (oh how I missed it) and all I bought was a suit for work - my others were a little tight! The exhibition was excellent! On the last night we ate BBQ duck in our hotel room with a couple of bottles of wine and watched the fireworks and laser show. Overall a good little trip - it was nice to get home though.

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