Well Mr Smarty Pants, you didn't see a black snake, on pale pavers, with a light beamed directly on it! Who needs the glasses?
Myles decided the snake need to be relocated and got a spade to flick it away. I told him that it wasn't a good idea - just leave it alone and it will leave. He didn't take my advice and flicked the snake away and jumped back inside. I asked him "how'd that work for you?"<insert sarcasm> and he said that he thought it had left but he would check. I told him to stay inside because if it hadn't left it would be pretty pissed off. Again he didn't listen and went outside only to be confronted by a pissed off snake who wanted revenge. He jumped inside, slammed the door shut and locked it - because we all know snakes are master lock-picks!
There are 2 morals to that story 1. Steve is always right and 2. don't play with snakes after a few drinks.
To today: I killed a frog - I didn't mean too! I was brush-cutting near the front dam and the blade hit a huge frog, killing it instantly. So that means I have killed one goat, one snake, a wallaby, and now a big frog. I don't think Wires (Australian Wildlife Rescue Organisation) is going to accept me in their club.

First I had to make the base - Short Crust Pastry. Easy, mix flour, butter, salt, egg, and sugar. Then refrigerate, and rest it. Roll it and then place in the tray - making sure the pastry is not stretched.
To make the filling I did it the hard way. I read people used condensed milk, or cornflour. Instead I made the filling as you would make a hollandaise sauce - whisking it on a double boiler. Eggs, lemon juice, lemon zest, sugar and butter. It thickened beautifully and tasted wild. I read that everything needs to hot when putting the pie together - or seepage occurs. That meant I had to be watching the pastry cook while whisking the filling and planning on the meringue.
After filling the pie shell with the lemon custard, and putting it in the oven, I whisked up the meringue. My arm is still a little tired from doing it. When the pie filling was cooked I chucked on the meringue and baked it in the oven for another 15 minutes.
It looks yummy. Hopefully the neighbours will like it.